Monday, April 25, 2011

Dreary weather and a food hangover! Can someone stop this madness???

WARNING!  What you are about to read may cause the doldrums!
How many days can one endure grey, rainy, dreary weather, and NOT want to indulge in the comfort of familiar, mouth watering, comfort food!?  Has this been days, weeks, or months since the sunshine has been here?  For those of you who are of the creative persuasion, you understand that you can not possibly be on top of your game for so many people for so many days without a little inspiration from the sunshine and its warmth. Right??  So, when I need inspiration and it does not come, what happens?  I tend to draw toward comforts that temporarily satisfy my searching, aching for creativity, soul.  One word...Food.  It does not help that brunch was full of wonderful tasting comfort food with family and alcohol (mimosas to be exact!) yesterday.  So, here I sit, waiting for creativity to strike and my body screaming at me that I have ingested too much comfort and not enough action.  Do I want to do something about this?  Not really.  It is Monday and dreary with rain predicted for the next 4 days and I am in a creative slump.  AAAGGGHHHH.  Any words of advice dear friends?  My brain is in need of refreshing.